Hi, I'm Ian Lynch!

Writer, Speaker and Therapeutic Practitioner Coach , Author of the Book and Card Deck for Men, Rites of Man.

Helping you experience peace, happiness, and fulfillment in your life.

My Story

My work is dedicated to supporting well-being, happiness, and quality of life.

I offer one to one sessions online or in-person to help you find peace, calm and inner clarity by getting rid of anxiety, self-doubt, trauma, and other blocks that stand in your way of living a fulfilling life.

I have featured on BBC Breakfast TV, BBC Radio and Channel 5 News. 

I use all my experience to help you, as an Advanced Accredited EFT Practitioner and NLP Coach,  and former Business Manager for The Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, the work of Dr. RobertHolden, to help you overcome any difficulties that stand in the way of your success and enjoyment of life. 

You can listen to three extracts from my book Rites of Man, by clicking this link. You can read my blog, find me on Instagram, Facebook, or contact me through this site. I wish you every happiness and success.

Ian Lynch -Life Coach- Speaker

Certificate & Diplomas

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Rites of a Man is a forthcoming book and card deck for self-inquiry and discussion on 69 aspects that affect our lives, plus one wild card specifically about your life and how you choose to live it. It is a resource to help each one of us define our own wisdom as a man, or in relationship to manhood. By working on one aspect at a time, we can improve our happiness and success in many ways, by helping us to focus on what we want, rather than what we don’t want, or have had thrust upon us.


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Rites of a Man is a forthcoming book and card deck for self-inquiry and discussion on 69 aspects that affect our lives, plus one wild card specifically about your life and how you choose to live it. It is a resource to help each one of us define our own wisdom as a man, or in relation to manhood. By working on one aspect at a time, we can improve our happiness and success in many ways, by helping us to focus on what we want, rather than what we don’t want, or have had thrust upon us.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!